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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Small Firms Lead Growth in U.S. Economy in 2006

The Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration put out a report today documenting what we continue to tell politicians and policymakers, and why it is critically important that they advance pro-entrepreneur policies: Small businesses continued to lead growth in the United States economy.

The study, The Small Business Economy: A Report to the President for 2007, ( is the Office of Advocacy’s annual report on the state of small business in America. The tax and regulatory trends/rhetoric in Washington and the states do not bode well for entrepreneurs and business investment. I bet many political and policy leaders of other countries (that is, those that are advancing tax cuts, flat tax systems and a balanced regulatory environment for business) will analyze every page of this document, while many on Capitol Hill will simply ignore it.

Wow -- how about that cheerful commentary for the Holiday season!

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