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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Property Rights in GOP Platform

Protecting private property is one of the first tasks of government. It is, first, about freedom, but also very much about providing a necessary foundation for the entrepreneurship, investment, innovation, and invention that drive forward economic, income and job growth.

While the Republicans hold their convention in Minnesota, it is worth highlighting a paragraph tucked away near the end of the party platform. It carries the title “Preserving Americans’ Property Rights,” and says:

“At the center of a free economy is the right of citizens to be secure in their property. Every person has the right to acquire, own, use, possess, enjoy, and dispose of private property. That right was undermined by the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision, allowing local governments to seize a person’s home or land, not for vital public use, but for transfer to private developers. That 5-to-4 decision highlights what is at stake in the election of the next president, who may make new appointments to the Court. We call on state legislatures to moot the Kelo decision by appropriate legislation, and we pledge on the federal level to pass legislation to protect against unjust federal takings. We will enforce the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to ensure just compensation whenever private property is needed to achieve a compelling public use. We urge caution in the designation of National Historic Areas, which can set the stage for widespread governmental control of citizens’ lands.”

Keep in mind that the victims of unjust takings overwhelmingly are individuals, families and small businesses.

This platform plank should surpass party affiliation to be accepted by Republicans, Democrats, independents, and all other Americans.

Raymond J. Keating
Chief Economist
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

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