By Victoria Braden
Throwing the current system out and putting American citizens into an untested, expensive and “different” system makes NO COMMON SENSE!
The issues are simple and the needs basic. Why then is Congress considering an entirely new system, and not solutions to the specific problems at hand?
• Tax Credits for businesses and tax equity for self-employed.
• Vouchers for the uninsured, issued on a sliding scale based on income.
• Vouchers for illnesses that are extremely expensive, Take this burden off small and medium-size businesses where an illness of this type drives up insurance premiums to ‘unaffordable’.
• Electronic incentive to all healthcare providers that will create the need for everyone to adapt the available technology.
• Pay Doctors and healthcare providers for quality NOT quantity.
• Adopt system-wide transparency, including outcomes and cost after insurance!
• Require insurance carriers to provide all businesses with loss information, loss information of the pool they have been assigned and large claim reports. Without this information the business owner does not know what he/she is paying for. No where else is business purchased blindly.
The solutions are easier than what is being conveyed - unless you have a mind set that all government is good. I personally think more limited government and the open market system are much more affordable.
Victoria Braden is President & CEO of Braden Benefits Strategies.
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