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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Small Biz Health Care Daily: Another Reality Check on White House Reality Check

On the White House’s “Health Insurance Reform Reality Check,” Linda Douglass of the White House Office of Health Reform recently answered a question about more government involvement in health care possibly limiting consumer choices. Douglass declared that no such thing would happen. Not only would choices expand, but there would more choice and at lower costs.

Raymond J. Keating, chief economist for the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, said:

“I find it interesting to click over to the White House’s ‘Health Reform Reality Check’ site now and then due to the fact that it is completely devoid of substantive analysis and sound economics. It is merely a collection of videos of various administration members parroting the talking points about how great more government control over health care supposedly would be. Ms. Douglass asserts that this health care agenda, which is focused on more government spending, regulations and mandates, would expand choice and reduce cost. But how this miraculous feat would actually be accomplished – especially given the fact that Economics 101 and history tell us the exact opposite occurs with more government – remains a complete mystery.”

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