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Friday, August 14, 2009

Small Biz Health Care Daily: Obama, Health Care and One Term?

In an entry on Radio Iowa’s blog, Congressman Leonard Boswell (D-Des Moines, Iowa) referenced a meeting between President Obama and Blue Dog Democrats. Boswell is quoted: “The president (said), 'I'm not going to kick the can down the road.' And he said that and I said, 'Well, that's something I'm kind of used to from southern Iowa, you know. I know about kicking the can down the road.' And he said, 'No, if it makes me a one-term president, I'm going to, we're going to take it on because the country is in need of us taking this on.'”

Raymond J. Keating, chief economist for the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, observed:

“On a certain level, one might respect the President’s commitment. Unfortunately, though, it is grossly misguided commitment. It is an example of political arrogance. Support for this push for government control over the health care sector is plummeting among the public. According to a Rasmussen Reports poll this week, support is at its lowest – 42% of voters in favor and 53% against. Of course, though, one should not govern through poll watching. But one should govern according to sound economics. Growing opposition to this government health care takeover is warranted, as it will only result in higher costs, and reduced and rationed care. The people increasingly understand this reality. Let’s hope the President and congressional leaders come to the same understanding.”

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