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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks to Grocery Stores on Thanksgiving

It has become a Thanksgiving tradition at SBE Council to highlight the role various businesses play in making Thanksgiving happen each year.

The U.S. Census Bureau provides some interesting information. This year, for example, it reports the following about the turkey industry:

"$3.6 billion. The value of turkeys shipped in 2002. Arkansas led the way in turkey shipments, with $581.5 million, followed by Virginia ($544.2 million) and North Carolina ($453 million). In 2002, poultry businesses with a primary product of turkey totaled 35 establishments, employing about 17,000 people."

"$4.1 billion. Forecast 2010 receipts to farmers from turkey sales. This exceeds the total receipts from sales of products such as barley, oats, sorghum (combined) and peanuts."

One industry that we have not highlighted in recent years, but remains central to most Thanksgiving Day celebrations, are grocery stores. After all, where do most families purchase the turkeys, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, cranberry sauce and pies - or at least the ingredients to make Thanksgiving dinner? ...

Read the rest of this SBE Council Fact of the Week here.

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