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Thursday, April 07, 2011

President's New Blueprint Will Make U.S. Less Energy and Economically Secure

Yesterday, President Obama spoke in Fair Hills, PA to discuss his newly revealed “Blueprint for A Secure Energy Future.” While the President is likely to mention his blueprint's support for developing Pennsylvania’s emerging natural gas reserves, he probably won’t mention his administration’s support for ever encroaching federal regulation of natural gas development.

The President’s Blueprint seems innocuous enough – calling for the federal government to engage in research, “bar setting,” and offering technical assistance in relation to natural gas. In reality though, these suggestions are double speak for weakening the authority of local experts and regulators who have overseen domestic natural gas development for decades. More control would go to the EPA and the political whims of Congress. These redundant bureaucratic demands from Washington threaten to delay the economic benefits and affordability that natural gas development produces. The President's Blueprint only stands to get in the way.

The Blueprint's careful choice of language exists for a reason -- voters realize Federal oversight and intrusion into yet another area of our economy will kill jobs, stifle innovation and hurt the economy in general. Americans are tired of hearing the repetitive news about our struggling economy, while Washington continues to make decisions that threaten economic recovery and burden our small businesses.

The EPA’s attempt to regulate our economy on an unprecedented scale through regulation of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the biggest threats to America's economic recovery and future. One in five business owners explain that red tape is their single biggest concern – even over taxes, inflation, and the cost of labor, according to the National Federation of Independent Business. EPA stands to make this worse with their latest power grab over CO2 emissions impacting everything from schools to cows. Americans are concerned about keeping our environment clean and healthy; however, the EPA's current proposal goes too far.

While the President may think no one will notice his doublespeak on energy issues, it turns out some in Washington are taking heed, voting this afternoon to call his bluff through small business legislation to stop or delay the EPA's destructive regulations. The President and Congress must work together to reign in the EPA and intrusive government regulation. Unfortunately, it seems the energy outline President Obama has presented is simply a Blueprint for more government and less energy. This is not a plan for economic -- or energy -- security.

Karen Kerrigan, President & CEO

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